Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Taking Down of the Last Link Chain of the First Wall

1 wall down . . .

. . . 2 more to go

We enjoyed many things during that first wall.. one of them being the Gijuku-lympics, the sports' festival at our school, that we had earlier this week

though we enjoyed watching the many sporting events (the picture above is a group of our girls' kickin' butt in volleyball, #1!!) and cheering on our students, we mostly enjoyed walking around and just chatting!!

Here's a collage of some of our students! We couldn't choose which ones to put on here, so here's a whole bunch for you to enjoy!

1 comment:

leah said...

you guys are too funny. I love the classic squatting Asian poses in your picture collage at the bottom. How do they sit like that and not be uncomfortable? hahaha Maybe it's in their genes.