Last week we had our school festival on Friday and Saturday, which meant we had an extra day of work, but it wasn't so bad since we didn't have to teach on Saturday!!
It was full of festivities, including the usual- a class video contest, a class t-shirt contest, performances by the cheerleading team and brass band, a cross-dressing contest (in which we won't post any pictures to save our students from humiliation), a karaoke contest (which we got suckered into joining to sing "A Whole New World" and only slightly embarassed ourselves b/c the pitch was higher than what we had practiced prior to the contest), and of course all the shops for each class, selling different kinds of food, everything from "American dogs" (corn dogs), slushies, fried chicken, yakisoba (Japanese noodle), cotton candy, mini-pancakes, and our favorite, fried cheese!

A few things that stuck out to us at the festival were:
2 of our students surprised us with candied senbe with our names in Katakana!!

Also, in Japan, they often change the quote, "All for one and one for all" to "One for all and all for one." This has been featured on at least one class t-shirt every year we've been here. When you think about the difference in meaning between the 2 phrases, you will understand what Japanese culture is all about!!

And for the 3rd year in a row, the Student Council staff shirts have had a nice English mistake on them. This is one of the most difficult things for Japanese people to get correct in English. If you look closely, you'll see that the shirt says, "The 63th Student Council Staff." Luckily, the next 7 years will be correct!!!

And, next week we look forward to the Gijuku-lympics, our annual Sports Festival at To o Gijuku!
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