Then, on Saturday, we got to have a special treat in Aomori. Our friend signed up to join a "Special Starbucks Seminar" where we got to have a special taste testing party. They tought us how to make coffee using a coffee press, taught us about the different kinds of coffee drinks, and most importantly, let us try different drinks that we got to make on our own!! They had this special tasting party because FINALLY our state is going to get it's own Starbucks in a city that's about 40 minutes by train this fall!! Needless to say, we can't wait!
And, then on Sunday, we went to a special Korean event at the Zion church (it's ran by a missionary from California, and we sometimes attend the services there). Some Korean people came to do Christian outreach, and last night they brought the traditional wedding clothes for people to try on, cooked delcious (but VERY VERY spicy) Korean food, sang Korean/English/Japanese/Indonesian worship songs, did a skit, and gave a sermon. It was a good opportunity and really revived us spiritually, as we haven't been alongside people who are so on fire for God in such a long time!! It was super refreshing to see God's work through them!