Friday, November 27, 2009


This has been quite an interesting and somewhat trying week, but we came out on top.. and we'll share some of the better moments with you!

As you may know the dollar weakened to a 14-year low against the yen, which earned us an extra $400 in our monthly transfer today.. talk about a deal, making an extra $400 for NO work! Sorry, everyone, we know the economy is bad back in the states, but we are reaping the benefits over here :)

We also found out today that many of the teachers find it difficult to understand Angie, due to her thick southern Iowa accent. Ya'know, it's so close to the Missouri border, and ya'know how them Missourians are :) Unfortunately, we came to this conclusion when no teacher showed up to teach one of our classes. Angie had confirmed that another teacher would take over the class, but that did not happen, due to her uninterpretable accent!

On a final note, we did have a delicious-home-style dinner with a "Walking Taco" (or for those of you from way down south in Burlington, Taco-in-a-Bag)


Tylor said...

I never would have thought of Angie even having an accent let alone a think one.

leah said...

so jealous of your mega bucks!