Last Tuesday we went to a soft baseball game--no not softball, soft baseball. Soft baseball is just like regular baseball except the ball is soft.
It is really weird to watch the ball bounce 10ft. into the air when it hits the ground.
The To-O-Gijuku team is supposedly pretty good and definitely showed their stuff when we watched them on Tuesday. We won 4-0. Now if they win the next two games, they will be champions and go on to the National tournament.
The best part of the baseball game is the cheering, which our students are quite fond of. They have a cheer for each palyer as he bats along with various other cheers.
Here are our Cheerleaders who were aided by some rambunctious boys that yell thru their megaphones.
Our school also brought along the pepband that played the favorites: The Popeye Theme, Queen's We Will Rock You, amoung others.
There's Travis banging his megaphones (because he can't cheer along with the Japanese) and sporting his school-provided-raincoat since it was sprinkling the entire game.
Man the Appelgates are the coolest!!
Ask your students for their cheer sheets. If your school is like mine, they don't know their cheers either. Especially if they're first years, they probably spent the previous week practicing the cheers and school and brought their cheat sheets just in case they forget.
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