Monday, January 31, 2011

Goodbye Seniors Goodbye

Last week was our 3rd year's (senior's) final week of school. (Yes, school ends in March but they get about a month and a half off from school. While some students must prepare for college (they are given college homework even before they get there) most of our students don't do anything cause they will just get a regular job). This year was particulary saddening to us because these 3rd year's were the students we came into Toogijuku with and these are the students we will leave Toogijuku with (Remember, Japanese high school only has three years). So it was very sad to see them go. For most of them, unfortunately, this will be the high point of their English ability. We do love them all though, and we hope they realize that.

Even more saddening was the loss of our 3rd year English Club students. These were the students we have grown closest to in our 3 years over here. They probably know us better than most of our friends here in Japan. We had our final English Club two weeks ago and had a treasure hunt extravaganza! We had all their favorite games compiled into an activity based treasure hunt with everyone winning a prize at the end!! Last Friday we gave them their graduation presents and said, "See you next time!!" as we hope to gather together before we leave Japan and they leave for college. NO goodbyes yet!! But needless to say, we are going to miss these six dear friends of ours!

1 comment:

leah said...

you guys are so good at planning great activities. *applause*

Just the way you plan such intricate activities and great parties shows your care and concern for these kids. And then on top of that, you are building relationships with them and seeing them everyday at school. You show the kids they are worth all the time commitment and they are worth all the attention you give them. They see Jesus.
