Monday, December 14, 2009

Another Marathon..

Well, last weekend we had another marathon, but this time we watched the Twilight movies! Seeing how there are only 2, this marathon was much shorter than last weekend's, but just as fun!

We started off by watching the first movie- Tiwlight- at our apartment and then headed to Aomori to watch New Moon. New Moon only came to 2 theatres in our entire state, and one of those was in the city near us.

On the way there, despite the cold, we saw some Cherry Blossom trees blossoming! We think the weather psyched them into thinking it was spring, because on Saturday it was quite warm.

Most of us agreed that the 2nd movie was better than the first, but it was about half and half as to who's cuter- Jacob or Edward (just so you know Travis thinks Jacob is cuter, or in his words "he would rather be like Jacob!)

1 comment:

leah said...

hahaha tooooo funny!