Sunday, August 3, 2008


On August 1st, the Hirosaki Neputa Festival began. Basically it is a very large and long night parade (3 hours!!) of large lit-up paper lanterns. The Neputa Festival in Hirosaki is to symbolize the farewell to soldiers going to battle. It is a very solemn yet proud festival. Although all the lanterns may be different from one another, each group plays the same tune along to screams of "Ya-ya do" which means something like, "hurray" according to one of our teachers.

Here's a picture of one of the massive lanterns. People ride at the top and put down the flaps when they get to the street lights. There are also people at the bottom pushing and pulling the lanterns down the street, as well as running around the lantern with ropes to make the lanterns turn, often jumping over onlookers sitting on the edge of the streets!

Every float also has drummers and flute players that play the melody. Sometimes the drums are huge!

They continue with the parade even if it rains, as you can see here, they just put a clear tarp over the lanterns. It has rained both nights of the parade so far.

And, even little kids join in on the festivities and walk along with the parade, playing drums, flutes, or running around with miniature neputa lanterns.

We will be traveling to two other cities (Aomori & Goshogowara) for their festivals so check back soon to hear the highlights!

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