Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Afternoon Trot

This week we have had half days all week and a 5-day weekend b/c of the "Sports Day" event this weekend for our prefecture (similar to states in the US). All the sports teams for schools in Aomori prefecture compete against one another for nationals, so all the sports have to practice extra hard, which gives us teachers nice half days! Today we decided to go on a hike in some mountains about a mile from the school. Along the way we came to a little nook-in-the cranny well of fresh mountain water. They have a little station set up with cups and everything so you can drink fresh mountain water rite there or bring bottles and fill them up at the spring. While we were there a guy was filling up about 30-2 gallon size bottles!

After we were refreshed we headed toward the real hiking spot. Most of the hike was on a paved road, but then we came to a nice little clearing that said there was only 400 meters left til you reach the top, but to get there we had to go deep into the woods- in fact, in this clearing there was another nice little sign...

Luckily, we had no problems with the bears.. . what they should really warn about is the fact that the hike is straight up and down in very thick woods. We literally had to crawl up the hill using a very short walking stick to keep us from slipping!!!

(here's a pic of Trav trying his hardest to get up the mountain!)

Eventually (it took awhile and we were about dead) we reached the top, victorious! And then we realized they should also warn you, at the top there is no look-out that makes the incredibly hard hike worth it, instead you are surrounded only by trees that you definitely can't see past, and it was only about 4 feet wide all around!

This is a picture of our "path" taken from the "look-out" at the top of the mountain!

And then of course we had to climb back down the moutain, or more like, slide back down the mountain!!

This weekend you may see more adventures, keep watch!

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