After days of preparing food and games the day has come and passed--successfully. This was English Club's first party of the year and it turned out quite well, we are happy to say. Unfortunately, there was no fireworks or barbeque due to the fact that the city does not allow fire in any parks near our house. So instead we had ourselves a picnic.
To begin the students had a "camera scavenger hunt" around the main street of our city. The students had to take pictures of random objects that ranged from easy--a bicycle, to difficult--a picture with a police officer (which to our surprise, a few of the groups managed to do!).

Our next event, and probably the most sought and important of the evening, was dinner which included potato salad, Zesty Italian pasta salad, pigs-in-a-blanket, fruit pizza, Jell-O, and many other "american" summer foods. Needless to say, the students did enjoy all the many different kinds of food. Well, all except the lemon merengue pie, which they decided tasted like the smell of bathroom perfume!

The rest of the night was given over to playing various games which were rather out going games based on the Japanese mentality but nevertheless, the students stood strong to the challange. The most resoundingly favored of games played was Red Rover. (although there was one "clothes-line" there were no injures!) Red Rover proves to be a game well met by all peoples of the world!

With all the work and play, we proceed to fall asleep promptly at 9pm.