Yesterday we challanged ourselves with a long distance bike trip to a lake about 50km north of Hirosaki. This challange would be twice the distance we have gone before and would take roughly 4 hours there and 4 hours back. Well, this was our plan...

Thanks to our great friends here we exchanged our 3 speeders for mountain bikes. Sorry Big Red and Silver Bullet, you had to sit this one out.

After a few bike adjustments we set out at 8:30, an hour and a half after our original plan. But the day was clear and cool. The Tsugaru Fuji was as beautiful as ever.

Although we planned well with printed maps from Google and a road map, the roads of Tsugaru still thwarted our efforts to make an easy ride. But even in our mistakes we could still see the Almighty in the beauty of thousands of blossoming apple trees.
Our trip was filled with adventure.
We visited a national park with a beautiful lake and interesting playground equipment

As the trip grew longer and hunger over came us, we stopped at a bakery for fuel.

At 12:30 with 25 more kilometers to Sanjuko we made our turn around at Dekishima beach. This beach had the potential to be a very beautiful beach but as you can see it was much less than that with litter strewn all around.

Although we didn't make our destination, we know it was only time that stop us short. Our trip was filled with adventure which was the original idea of the trip. We saw Japan and found some neat places.