Well, we haven't blogged for a long time--sorry! We just haven't been up to much here. School has been quite busy been thrilling. Also the snow, as you can see in this picture of our apartment parking lot, has been keeping us cooped up. Although it is not as cold as Iowa, its cold enough to keep us grounded from adventures.
Yeah, it usually snows by the foot but fortunately melts away or is smashed by cars but no it is not plowed or rarely shoveled.
We did go to a ryokan, japanese hotel, with a married couple. It was stacked with onsens out in the middle of no where as you can see in this picture.
In the bottom left corner you can just barely see the ryokan.
It was a beautiful place only lit up by lanterns in order to be rustic. Yes, it was rather cold but wonderfully relaxing!
We also had a going away party for the 2 Australian students. We met some really nice people and ate some fantastic food including cheese and chocolate fondue, gyoza (chinese dumplings), and snails!! Yes, we tried escargo, or however you spell it. It actually wasn't bad after we got over the idea it was snail!
Thanks boys, here's to you! Come back and visit any time!

Overall a splendid time.